Collectible Cigarette Lighters
Various collectible and advertising lighters.
Mud Cat - Zippo Lighter
This is a Zippo lighter with the Mud Cat logo. The front has the Mud Cat logo followed by "National Car Rental" A Mud Cat is a floating dredging platform. They deepen waterways by removing silt from the bottom. I've seen them operate, it's a fairly interesting unit. This dates to the 1970's when they were owned by National Car Rental. It is new in it's box with included instructions. National no longer owns them, but they still exist and I think they are still manufactured in the US.
Electro-Devices Inc. - Zippo Lighter
This is a Zippo lighter with the Electro-Devices Inc. logo. The front has "Electro-Devices Inc. - Servospeed - Paterson, NJ" in red lettering. The back side is blank. It is new in it's box with included instructions. This is from the 1970's. I couldn't find any current information on this company.
Leonard Haimes Co. - Corona Lighter
This is a Corona lighter with a raised and enameled "Haimes" logo on the front and "Season's Greetings, Leonard Haimes Co., Inc, 35 Mercer Street - New York, NY, London - Paris, Frankfurt, Casablanca, Far East" in red type on the back. This Corona lighter has a 1/4" wide tape measure in the base, handy indeed. It dates to the 1970's. I have no idea what this company did and I couldn't find any current info on them.