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Spiratone Macrotel

150mm Macro Lens

Spiratone 150mm Macrotel Macro Lens

Spiratone 150mm Macrotel
Macro Lens

150mm Macrotel Macro Lens

  • f/4.5 - 22
  • Manual Diaphragm
  • T-Mount
  • For bellows or extension tube with T-Mount or adapter
Spiratone 150mm Macrotel Macro Lens

Spiratone 150mm Macrotel

Spiratone 150mm Macrotel Macro Lens

Spiratone 150mm Macrotel

Spiratone 150mm Macrotel Macro Lens

Spiratone 150mm Macrotel

Spiratone 150mm Macrotel Macro Lens

Spiratone 150mm Macrotel
Original 1984 Ad

This is a Spiratone 150mm Macrotel macro Lens. This lens lets you stand off further from the subject during macro work. I haven't used this much except to take a few shots to make sure it worked and was clear. I might use it more if I used a copy stand. As for outdoor shots with the bellows, I feel I get good results when using regular camera lenses (135mm etc.). There may be a slight benefit to clarity at the far edges of the photo with this lens. When I get time, I'll do some tests.